Monday, October 27, 2008

Ikon October 26

Hey Parents,
Last night we continued our "Devotion Promotion" series. as you can probably guess the topic has been devotion. rather than just talking about it at Ikon we have actually been spending most of our time in small groups doing a devotional exercise called Lectio Divina. here is an explanation:

This ancient method helps us move from simply reading the Bible to absorbing it and letting it affect us. As one author said, “This is a book that reads us even as we read it.”

In order to do that, we will take these simple steps.

Open and Clear
Together keep a brief silence. Make sure your body is in a relaxed position. Light a candle. Use a picture, crucifix, or icon to focus your attention. Imagine your heart opening like a flower to the warmth of the sun. Above all, clear your mind of the distractions inside and around you. Get ready to listen.

Read and Observe
The passage is read and the group observes a brief period of silence for reflection.
All participants are then invited to mark in their Bibles and then share briefly a word or phrase from the reading which caught their attention or which speaks to them in some way at this time in their lives.

Read and Think
The passage is then read a second time, slowly and deliberately. Again, a brief period of silent reflection follows. All participants are invited to tell about how the word or phrase they spoke of has had an impact on them, how it relates to their lives, or a question it raises. This is the time for discussion and sharing.

Three rules govern this time of sharing:
1) Sharing of insights by all participants is encouraged.
2) Debating points of interpretation is discouraged.
3) Respecting the offerings of each individual is important.

Read and Pray
The passage is read a third time, and a brief silence is again kept for reflection.
All participants are invited to speak a prayer which grows out of their reflection of the words or phrases they chose. The prayers should be simple and heart-felt.

Go and Live.
Having experienced an encounter with God’s Word, we now leave enriched, energized and prepared to live in a new way. Carry the words and experience with you.

We have given a daily reading assignment from the book of Ephesians and each week each group selects one of the previous weeks readings for their Lectio. The kids have really done well with this. a lot of great reflection and discussion has come from it.

Make sure to pray for your kids as they continue to try to grow in their relationship with Christ through their personal devotion.

Have a great week!


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